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Prisha Athlete

Athletics training is designed to develop a combination of strength, power, endurance, speed and flexibility. Every event requires a different proportion of these attributes and hence the training is segmented into generic training that is applicable to all category of sports and customised for the specific demands of each track event. Our coaching session makes full use of all equipment including samba goals / passing arcs / cones / resistance band / skill ladders and much more.  Athletes need to incorporate three important aspects of when conditioning: power, speed, and explosiveness. The training week is divided to focus specifically on these key performance areas.

Circuits Training

Circuits incorporates multiple training routine where the athletes perform certain activities for specific periods of time, or a set number of repetitions. After finishing at one routine, and they rotate to the next. Circuit training is designed to reduce body fat and preserve a healthy balance  of Cardiovascular Endurance,  Muscular Strength and Flexibility. Circuit training allows you to reduce the rest time between complex sets, which increases the challenge of the workout.

Interval Training

These involve short bursts of intense activity interspersed with lighter activity or rest periods. For example, athletes may repeat 60-meter sprints with rest intervals. Intervals are excellent for building speed-endurance for track and field events as well as certain sports where intense activity is separated by brief recovery periods

Strength training

Competitive sprinters will need to supplement  their routines with some sort of weight training to enhance their power and strength and speed as well. These routines are customized depending on gender and age. Apart from weight training in the gym there are routines that involve weighted band and dumbells. Medicine balls are also a great way to improve your exercise 

Athletics Circuit Training
Isha Ramteke
Sprinting Biomechanics Isha Ramteke
Reshma Gore Sprinting Biomechanics
Reshma Gore Sprinting Biomechanics
Rahul Chavan Shot Put
Rahul Chavan
Shot Put
Shot Put
Form/Technique  Bio-mechanical Feedback

Apart from these there are training on the specific nuances of each events. These sessions teach the basic athletic skills for each event. A key component of these sessions are the corrective feedback observations that help  young runners with the foundation for learning good running form and becoming skilled athletes in general.

The training Program include Circuit training, Interval Training, Strength Training, Plyometrics Training, Complex Training, Race Models, Speed Drills, Form Drills, Resistance and Assisted drills etc

Datta Chavan Athletic Coach
Athletes Running AFI
Eva Manoj
Athletes plyometric circuit training
Plyometrics training

These are intense routines that are directed towards building explosive power, reactions, coordination and proprioception as well as the stretch-shortening cycle due to the rapid rebounding after landing. Boxes, stairs and hurdles are often used these kind of routines.

Athlete Sledge Training Sprinting
Complex Training

These are advanced routines that are designed for well trained athletes in an attempt to increase the intensity with which power exercises can be performed. These routines use a concept called as Postactivation Potentiation (PAP). The theory behind PAP is that the acute change in contractile proteins and motor neuron activity can help induce greater explosive power performance for a 2- to 20-min period following heavy loading. These routines begin with a conditioning stimulus followed by a period of rest for recovery, then an explosive power exercise 

Training Videos -Drills
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